Find skilled seasonal staff for your business,
with access to vetted UK, Irish and European candidates.

Make sure your business is season-ready!

find staff in australia agricultural contracting farming

Hassle Free Hiring

Why choose Ag Work Australia?


All candidates are reference-checked and interviewed by our team to assess their suitability. Get access to University and College students as well as general farm workers, looking to experience Australian agriculture.


We facilitate all candidate visas and flights into Australia, where an employer picks candidates up. Onward travel for a candidate can be arranged for a candidate if necessary.

Paperwork Sorted

AG Work will help a candidate set up a bank account in Australia which they will need to verify upon arrival. Candidates will also be issued with a guide on how to set up their Australian TFN.

Loyalty Programme

Competitive rates are offered for employers, with discounts for multiple workers and returning clients.


Why choose
Ag Work Australia?


Initial Contact

Once you have submitted an enquiry form, our team will be in touch to talk to you about your business. AG Work prides itself on establishing connections and relationships with our employers to fully understand the nature of their business. We ask all our employers to fill in a job form detailing the role and what a candidate can expect. This is often given to our candidates and we ask for as much information as possible. We do have applications to work in Australia all year round, however we encourage employers to get in touch as early as possible with their needs so we can see if there are any suitable matches. With a large social media following we can get maximum exposure for your job opportunity


Paperwork & Interviews

We have candidates coming from Universities and Colleges, as well as straight from the family farm. AG Work AUS thoroughly vets all candidates for their suitability for your role. We will then send you suitable CV’s for your role. We strongly advise an employer conducting their own interview with a candidate to chat through the role and get to know each other. When a suitable match occurs we will ask for a letter of offer and job contract to secure the candidate. AG work facilitates candidates’ visas, using the working holiday visa scheme which allows a candidate to work in Australia for 12 months. An employer does not need to be accredited for this visa.



Candidates will have an Australian bank account opened for them before they leave home. Upon arrival they will need to ensure they visit a branch to verify their documents. A candidate will have to create their tax number upon arrival, AG Work will issue a guide to support them with that application. We organise all travel for candidates with our trusted travel partners. Employers will need to collect candidates from a suitable pickup point. The Ag Work team will arrange onward internal travel to facilitate this if required, at an employer’s own cost.


Work Begins

Our candidates get to know the AG Work team before they travel. This way we can be on hand to provide full pastoral support if needed.  The team will check in with the employer and candidate to ensure both are happy and settling in well. We always expect some level of homesickness and connect our candidates to other workers in the region who may have also travelled with AG Work. We like to work closely with our employers to help candidates integrate into local life and meet other people, by providing details of young farmers or sports clubs in the area, your candidates will find their feet in no time!

Hear from previous employers on their experience using Ag Work:

For Job Seekers

Want to find out more about working in New Zealand and explore your opportunities? Chat with us today!

For Employers

Are you looking for experienced seasonal staff to support your business? Overseas hassle free hiring!


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